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The Binman’s Guide to Selling: Top 100 selling techniques, words, strategies, tips, scripts & inspirations

Improve Sales, Selling Strategies & Successful Sales Techniques with The Binman’s Guide to Selling. Working in a fast-growing award winning company, Oisin Browne offers a fresh look at selling to the world of business. Oisin has distilled his varied experience into a series of clearly defined recommendations and selling techniques that combine general observations with illustrative examples in an accessible and engaging format. The Binman’s Guide to Selling will be of value to any business professional looking to put a laser focus on their sales techniques. Oisin presents a genuine and distinct tool to empower and position business people to methods that have the potential to transform their career through improved sales communication and applicable relationship-building practices. Oisin shares selling secrets that can be applied to any business; an in-depth look at advanced selling suggestions and word psychology techniques, creating a winning mindset, providing excellent customer experiences, delivering effective sales pitches, running successful sales meetings, developing extraordinary selling skills and interviews with the top sales teams, business owners and consultants from many successful companies.