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The Assertiveness Guide for Women: How to Communicate Your Needs, Set Healthy Boundaries, and Transform Your Relationships

Isn’t it time you took a stand? Many women struggle with assertiveness, but if you’re prone to anxiety and avoidance, it is especially difficult. Grounded in attachment theory, this essential guide will help you identify your thoughts and feelings, balance your emotions, communicate your needs, and set healthy boundaries to improve your life.

When you’re assertive, you’re able to communicate your needs and wishes clearly while respecting yourself and anyone else involved in the interaction. But when you aren’t assertive, you may stop yourself from saying anything when your needs aren’t being met, or end up lashing out in hostile or hurtful ways. People with different attachment styles struggle with being assertive for different reasons, and even women with a secure attachment style may have difficulty expressing emotion when faced with challenging circumstances.

Using strategies based in mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), The Assertiveness Guide for Women can help you understand the attachment styles that keep you from asserting yourself. You’ll learn about the three communication stances—from the passive Doormat to the aggressive (or passive-aggressive) Sword to the assertive Lantern—and find practical examples that show you how to apply your new communication and emotional awareness skills in your own life. Rather than being caught in a cycle of rumination and regret when you’re unable to express yourself or even acknowledge your own needs, you’ll be ready to assert yourself and get what you want.

Whether you’re anxious and overwhelmed by the intensity of your emotions, avoidant and struggle to identify your emotions, or otherwise have difficulty expressing yourself, this book will help you become more aware of your own thoughts and feelings, and empower you to ask for what you need, set boundaries, and speak your truth for a more fulfilling life.

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The Feminine Spirit Engaged.: Charmed and Protected (Women’s Assertiveness and Self Defense) (Volume 2)

The Feminine Spirit Engaged – Charmed and Protected is the second book of a series to lead you through skills and concepts of women’s self protection. Go now and click on the purchase button to get your copy. The Feminine spirit is powerful and once engaged into a situation with anyone from a bully to a violent criminal can be an advocate for safety, protection and their community. There are natural abilities to remember and enhance as well as skills to learn. This book will guide you through the concepts and skills to enhance your ability to protect and defend yourself and your family. This book will show you… • How to define your boundaries • How to use your natural feminine instinct and intuition • What you can do when your comfort zone is engaged with a threat • Super hero tools that are natural to the feminine spirit. • How to defend without getting physical. • How to remain resourceful when you do need to get physical. When you strengthen your core from the heart it will affect every cell in your body. You will be empowered with love and integrity. When you are able to use this integrity to train an activation of your core because of an invasion or challenge to your boundaries then you will be able to stand strong with power. When you are able to utilize a fear to activate this core you will exude confidence, remain resourceful and find the tools to use within your environment. The first book, THE FEMININE SPIRIT IN LOVE AND FEAR – EMPOWERED TO PROTECT, paved the way to this empowerment and showed how to use and love and fear to develop and activate this core, define and strengthen boundaries and build confidence. This book, The FEMININE SPIRIT ENGAGED- CHARMED AND PROTECTED, is how to use that empowered state once it is engaged, the tools you can use to douse a small fire of a confrontation or issue before it becomes a raging fire storm. “Sensei Gerarda, having many years of Martial Arts experience, has written a sensitive, thoughtful, PRACTICAL guide on HOW TO reclaim YOUR SELF. NO expensive classes, no expensive lectures, just a beautiful book that CAN guide you back into a place of calm, strength, self assurance and CONFIDENCE. There are of course no short cuts to a Black belt in the Martial Arts world – and yet Sensei Gerarda has managed to fill this book with the wisdom, the stepping stones if you like, to creating a more confident, savvy, mentally STRONGER YOU! That Sensei Gerarda has shared this knowledge, to empower ALL of us, is a blessing. For some of us ( myself included ) we’ll be thinking ” where was this book 20 – 30 years ago? ” Domestic violence was a taboo topic – just not talked about. Today, we DO talk about it, yet we lack the information and the skills to deal with it, if it is present in our lives. Here is the information we’ve been waiting for – written with empathy and love for each of us to learn from, whether you’re 12 or 112 years of age. If somebody has taken your power – here is the way to TAKE IT BACK”. – Tracey (last name withheld) Mother, Grandmother, survivor. Go now and click on the purchase button to get your copy.