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The Forge of Light: The White Mage, Book 5

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The Dark has nearly consumed the planet. Men and beasts have been stripped of their minds, their bodies twisted to serve the Master’s will. Her army now numbers in the trillions and is led by two supreme generals. Even the mages have no power to stop her. Driving the survivors to a last bastion of freedom, she calls for the decimated army to surrender.

But mankind stands defiant.

From the ashes of nations the people have united, and together they brace for the impending storm. Bereft of retreat or refuge, they hold to a single hope – that the Oracle can destroy the Dark before everyone is slaughtered. Facing the end, the Oracle must rise to her birthright and find that which can cleanse the Earth of darkness.

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3 thoughts on “The Forge of Light: The White Mage, Book 5

  1. Fitting end to a fantastic ride. Amazing end to an amazing series. However, be prepared to cry… a lot. The last few chapters I don’t think I went more than a paragraph or two without tearing up, having to stop for tissues, and start reading again because it was just too good to stop. It’s about as fast paced as Seven Days (if you’ve read it) with just as many surprising twists, turns, and epic side battles that culminate into the overall structure of the entire war. Yes, it does go really fast from one point to the next,…

  2. It drastically succeeds in its subversion of usual tropes like “wise old mentor Much as it tries to branch away from the staple, this series fails to escape its extremely strong roots in Harry Potter. 

  3. Great book and exciting read. This is a great story with a fitting end. It fulfilled everything I wanted it to do. What a great journey. Oh man, if they ever make this into a movie it would be pretty epic. If you are looking for a series to really engulf your life into this is the one. Super fun!

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