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The Karmadont Chess Set: Way of the Shaman, Book 5

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Mahan’s ready for new adventures – just as the gaming world of Barliona thought it was about to reenter its old comfortable rut. The winds of the Dark Forest have finally died down; Altameda has recognized its new owner while Geranika is nursing new schemes of global destruction.

Would Mahan be happy with this predictable old life? We think not! New storylines, new monsters, new dungeons, and a new status: Our High Shaman hates the daily grind! He wants a new apprentice? Then he’d better find someone who has no right to summon Spirits. A new ship? It’s going to be one of a kind! A new love? Well, we’ll have to see, won’t we?

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3 thoughts on “The Karmadont Chess Set: Way of the Shaman, Book 5

  1. If Mahan doesn’t become a God and kills everyone respomsible for his sadness and heartbreak then someones not doing their job. *WARNING!! THESE ARE ALL SPOILERS!!* 

  2. OMG what an ending!! OMG!!! I was like NNNNNOOOOOO!!!!! Through the ipad down and stomped off. 

  3. OMG, that ending Set moments after the end of book 4 when Mahan finally takes control of the phantom castle but loses all his class abilities for letting the big bad guy steal the heart of chaos which will let him become an evil god. Mahan now has to not only manage his new castle, his guild, and figure out a way to restore his class. But he also has the task of making the Karmadont Chess Set. 

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