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The Ladies’ Room

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Secrets told in the church ladies’ room are supposed to stay in the ladies’ room. But that doesn’t mean that what Trudy overhears there during her great-aunt Gertrude’s funeral won’t change the rest of her life.

Trudy has a daughter in the middle of a major rebellion; a two-timing husband who has been cheating for their entire married life; and a mother with Alzheimer’s residing in the local nursing home. She doesn’t really need a crumbling old house about to fall into nothing but a pile of memories and broken knickknacks.

Billy Lee Tucker, resident oddball in Tishomingo, Oklahoma, lived next door to Gert, and in her will she leaves him the funds to help Trudy remodel the old house. That’s fine with Billy Lee, because he’s been in love with Trudy since before they started school. And just spending time with her is something he’d never ever allowed himself to dream about.

A beautiful home rises up from the old house on Broadway, and right along with it rises up a relationship. But is Trudy too scarred from what she heard in the ladies’ room to see a lovely future with Billy Lee?

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3 thoughts on “The Ladies’ Room

  1. Finding strength, and finding oneself – I’d like to meet the character in this book Romance stories have never been something I was drawn to… I love history, action movies, beautiful vistas, etc….but not really into the ol’ ‘throbbing loins’ routine (apologies for generalizing, but in my limited experience with this type of writing, that’s mainly what I encountered, and put aside). This, was different – from the title, the sneak peak, I was intrigued, then hooked. To me, this was a story about someone who got her world turned upside down – or finally had the rose…

  2. Sweet…too sweet If you enjoy a book of saccharine sweet characters to whom mostly only wonderful things happen, then you’ll love this book.Although I liked the lead character, the story read like a conservative Southern belle’s romantic daydream. It was uneventful, silly & predictable.

  3. Another great book from Carolyn Brown I’m a big fan of Carolyn Brown – and this book is another example of why I love her work. A bit of gossip overheard in the ladies’ room during a funeral sparks Trudy into leaving her cheating husband. After twenty years of spoiling and pampering her husband and daughter, Trudy finally gets to think about herself for a change. As she spreads her wings and begins to fly she finds treasures in the house full of “junk” her great aunt left her and in the man next door. Billy Lee Tucker is just what…

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