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The Light of Life: The Cycle of Galand, Book 4

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After a year of fighting across three different lands, Dante and Blays have finally brought Gladdic to justice – and in the process, they’ve unleashed a horror beyond all reckoning.

The enemy is known as the White Lich. He is ancient. He is immensely powerful. And Gladdic believes he will soon enslave all of Tanar Atain.

Their only chance to defeat him is to strike fast, before the lich has regained his power. But attacking him directly would be suicide. Instead, Gladdic has an alternative. Once upon a time, the lich was human, with a mortal body. Gladdic believes that original body is still out there, hidden somewhere in the swamps.

If they can find it and kill it, then the lich should die with it. But if they fail, the White Lich will rip the souls from the people of Tanar Atain – and turn his gaze on the rest of the world.

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3 thoughts on “The Light of Life: The Cycle of Galand, Book 4

  1. Keep’em coming! It is a pleasure that Edward keeps surprising me book after book and keeps me yearning for the next. 

  2. It keeps getting better. I was originally introduced to Dante and Blays in The Cycle of Arawn for one measly audible credit. Best investment ever as Edward continually treats his fans to immensely satisfying stories. Keep up the stream of inspiration, good sir.

  3. Phenomenal! Oh My Gods! So far from disappointed in this book! If Dante and Blays wasn’t enough, adding Gladdic into the mix was pure genius. The banter between the three of them had me laughing out loud, earning strange looks from my family, on several occasions. I have to say that this book may be my favorite of the series. Even though Blays and Dante have been faced with ‘not so good odds’ at coming out on top all throughout the series, only in the end to conquer, dont let that fool you. This book had…

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