Throughout her studies, Ceony Twill has harbored a secret, one she’s kept from even her mentor, Emery Thane. She’s discovered how to practice forms of magic other than her own – an ability long thought impossible.
While all seems set for Ceony to complete her apprenticeship and pass her upcoming final magician’s exam, life quickly becomes complicated. To avoid favoritism, Emery sends her to another paper magician for testing, a Folder who despises Emery and cares even less for his apprentice. To make matters worse, a murderous criminal from Ceony’s past escapes imprisonment. Now she must track the power-hungry convict across England before he can take his revenge. With her life and loved ones hanging in the balance, Ceony must face a criminal who wields the one magic that she does not, and it may prove more powerful than all her skills combined.
The whimsical and captivating follow-up to The Paper Magician and The Glass Magician, The Master Magician will enchant readers of all ages.
Left me undecided.. The books did a great job of catching your attention and keeping it. The relationship of Emery and Ceony to be more specific, kept me reading the book without wanting to stop. But from the beginning, I only saw Ceony as a young child almost. If she would have been described differently at the beginning, the perception of her may have changed. The main storyline pushed her into faster than I had expected it to. Basically, the main story starts within the first chapter without so much as a build…
Perfection; I only wish that Some loose ends, such as Zina, were tied up-although, maybe more episodes are to follow. I especially enjoyed seeing, in the beginning, Ceony and Emery as a couple- Ms. Holmberg sets a good balance modesty, passion and ever-so-important Victorian restraint, although I liked Ceony’ s kissing Emery like a proper lady SHOULDN’T. I would have liked more follow-up r/t Prit and Bennett. But the best by far was getting to see Emery and Ceony joining forces-it was a well done, and made me wonder if…
Perfection and without question It is rare to find a beautifully complex and emotionally compelling story nowadays. To all of you who may be reading this, I give you my wholehearted guarantee that this book will move and effect you on a deep and lovely level.