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Martin Luther King, Jr., on Leadership: Inspiration and Wisdom for Challenging Times

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Using the Civil Rights struggle as his historical perspective, the author has created a detailed and absorbing chronicle of Martin Luther King’s leadership during the most tumultuous period in America’s recent past.Leadership motivational speaker Donald T. Phillips, who has previously drawn organizational lessons for modern businesses from the careers of Abraham Lincoln and the Founding Fathers, turns to civil-rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. as a role model. A discussion of the Montgomery bus boycott, for example, draws out such principles as “Set goals and create a plan of action” and “Involve the people.” More effective as a self-help book for business than as a biography, it does provide a useful introduction to King’s life.

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  • Martin Luther King Jr. on Leadership: Inspiration & Wisdom for Challenging Times

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3 thoughts on “Martin Luther King, Jr., on Leadership: Inspiration and Wisdom for Challenging Times

  1. Insightful! Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech was voted the most electrifying public address of the twentieth century. It takes some kind of a leader to give that kind of a speech. Donald T. Phillips presents the ideals of leadership that Martin Luther King Jr. followed in an overview of the history of the civil rights struggle. Phillips describes the techniques King used at various stages of the civil rights battle. He also shares King’s comments on leadership. Many of the principles will…

  2. inspiring book on leadership I picked up this book simply thinking it would be a great story about leadership, but the underlying history of Martin Luther King is riveting as well. The leadership stories translate well to business and personal leadership–they speak to (all) people wanting to be part of a higher, unifying mission. If you like to “mark-up” the margins with thoughts keep a pen handy for this one. Its a book I talked about with colleagues and family more than any other I’ve read.

  3. A wonderful book about a great leader This book carries the reader through two threads of material simultaneously. One thread is designed to give a biographical, history of MLK, Jr. as a leader in the civil rights movement. The other thread is actually laid upon the first and it is a cataloguing of the various leadership styles and techniques which he displayed throughout his career. The book also supplies us with a wealth of meaningful quotes from Dr. King at the beginning and end of each chapter. 

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