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The One You Love: Emma Holden Suspense Mystery, Book 1

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Emma Holden’s nightmare has just begun. Her fiancĂ© vanishes, leaving the battered and bloodied body of his brother in their London apartment. Someone is stalking her, watching her every move. And her family is hiding a horrifying secret; a secret that threatens all those she loves. In a desperate race against time, Emma must uncover the truth if she ever wants to see her fiancĂ© alive again.

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3 thoughts on “The One You Love: Emma Holden Suspense Mystery, Book 1

  1. Please learn English 0

  2. Why this book got an average rating of 4 stars confuses me 0

  3. just okay This is very readable because it was well written but I wasn’t crazy about it. It’s a long, slow moving psychological thriller. This could be a matter of taste, so I’m talking to readers like me who prefer faster paced action. This one just keeps going on and on about mysterious characters and oblique references to dark secrets in the past. There were many times when I was saying, “get on with it and make something happen.”I didn’t find any of the characters appealing, especially…

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