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The Red Sea: The Cycle of Galand, Book 1

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When Dante Galand was just a boy, his father, Larsin, sailed away to make his fortune. And never returned. Since then, Dante has become a great sorcerer. A ruler. A destroyer of kings. And he’s just learned that his father is living on a forbidden island at the edge of the known world. Where he’s dying of a mysterious plague.

In the company of his friend, the swordsman Blays, Dante travels to the island. There, his magic can do nothing for his father. As Dante and Blays quest for a cure – beset by strange beasts, angry spirits, and violent coastal raiders known as the Tauren – Dante falls sick, too. To save his father and himself, he’ll have to rediscover the island’s long-lost magic. But the hunt for its secrets leads Dante on a crash course with the Tauren – and island-wide civil war. And as he’s away, an old threat begins to move against his homeland.

Set in a USA Today best-selling world, The Red Sea is the first in a trilogy of warfare, sorcery, and friendship through the darkest times.

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3 thoughts on “The Red Sea: The Cycle of Galand, Book 1

  1. another gewat trilogy in the making! Once again Edward pulls together a story that tugs at your every fiber. The Cycle of Galand brings. New trilogy that carries the torch following Fe conclusion of the previous trilogy, The Cylce of Arawn — also a great trilogy you should pick up! 

  2. EXCELLANT read. Normally after reading books that are in … EXCELLANT read. Normally after reading books that are in a set I’m disappointing however that is NOT the case in this situation. The Red Sea is just as well written as it predecessor, The Cycle of Arawn. It carries some of our beloved characters over and gives new angles to them. It also introduces new adventures to be coming in future books.

  3. Too big for a Trilogy….. When a Trilogy is just not enough, and readers are demanding or (in my case) begging , for more, then you are probably reading Edward W Robertson! The Red Sea is a continuation of The Cycle of Arawn, featuring Dante and Blays. The story is fast and introduces a myriad of places, events. people, and magic that will not fail to capture you. The most enjoyable part for me when reading EWR books is getting to ‘know’ his characters. He has the talent to develop and become who he is writing…

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