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The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry

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The irascible A. J. Fikry, owner of Island Books-the only bookstore on Alice Island-has already lost his wife. Now his most prized possession, a rare book, has been stolen from right under his nose in the most embarrassing of circumstances. The store itself, it seems, will be next to go.One night upon closing, he discovers a toddler in his children’s section with a note from her mother pinned to her Elmo doll: �I want Maya to grow up in a place with books and among people who care about such kinds of things. I love her very much, but I can no longer take care of her.� A search for Maya’s mother, A. J.’s rare book, and good childcare advice ensues, but it doesn’t take long for the locals to notice the transformation of both bookstore and owner, something of particular interest to the lovely yet eccentric Knightley Press sales rep, Amelia Loman, who makes the arduous journey to Alice Island thrice each year to pitch her books to the cranky owner.

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3 thoughts on “The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry

  1. A slow but emotional lifter I was pleasantly surprised by many turns in this novel. I actually didn’t have any idea what the book was about when I started reading – and, at this point – having finished, I think I know what it’s about but I’m unsure that I could really describe the “type” of book to anyone who asked. There’s a line that stands out (not a direct quote) that says something like – each book hits you in a different way depending upon where you are in life when you read it. This book, although different…

  2. Buy This Book Now!!!! – – – Love A. J. Fikry and Bookstores!!!!! On my of my road trip, I picked this book up because it had a story about a bookstore owner, which I hope one day to become. Never heard of the author, but I will always give a author and book a try. There is only a few words to say about this book – 

  3. A tribute to the love of books I absolutely loved this novel. A.J. Fikry is the owner of a small, independent bookstore on the small Alice Island in the Northeast. He is cynical, cranky, and depressed…and not without reason. The recent death of his beloved wife has left him a widower at the age of thirty-nine. Their shared love of books seems to have died with his wife and A.J. is left behind with only bitterness. 

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