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Three, Two, One (321): A Dark Suspense

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One Girl

Battered, barefoot, and huddled under a bookstore awning in the pouring rain, Blue only knows one thing. After 15 months of captivity, finally she is free.

Two Friends

Self-made millionaires JD and Ark are not out to save anyone when they stumble upon a wet and shivering girl one early Sunday morning. But when you sell sex for a living and salvation rings your bell, you answer the call.

Three Soulmates

After years of searching, love lifts the veil of darkness, and three people – with three very big secrets – find themselves bound together in a relationship that defies the odds. Or does it? Love. Lust. Sex. This trinity might be perfection but not everything should come in threes.

WARNING: This is a standalone non-traditional M/F/M romance with a non-traditional ending.

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3 thoughts on “Three, Two, One (321): A Dark Suspense

  1. More than just a book hangover, a LIFE hangover This is the most difficult review I have ever written. I start writing and the sentences don’t mesh together. I move sentences around and still they make no sense. I feel like I have no outlet for my feelings, as they are just sitting there, in my heart, without any cohesiveness. I will do my best, but know that I am still mourning the loss of the fictional world that JA Huss created in her book, 321. 

  2. A mystery right up until the end I finished this book and was like what? I didn’t see that coming. You understand that there is something going on, but you are never informed until almost the end. The three main characters have so much chemistry going on its like a five alarm fire for sexiness. I think I would have connected with the story more if perhaps it was told as it was happening, rather than like a flashback remembrance of the story but this is just my opinion.

  3. This. Is. The. Book. Of. The. YEAR. JA Huss creates a world in this story you don’t want to ever leave. “I saw her first…” 

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