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To Redeem a Rake (The Heart of a Duke)

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He’s spent years scandalizing society.

Now, this rake must change his ways.

Society’s most infamous scoundrel, Daniel Winterbourne, the Earl of Montfort, has been promised a small fortune if he can relinquish his wayward, carousing lifestyle. And behaving means he must also help find a respectable companion for his youngest sister – someone who will guide her and whom she can emulate. However, Daniel knows no such woman. But when he encounters a childhood friend, Daniel believes she may just be the answer to all of his problems.

Having been secretly humiliated by an unscrupulous blackguard years earlier, Miss Daphne Smith dreams of finding work at Ladies of Hope, an institution that provides an education for disabled women. With her sordid past and a disfigured leg, few opportunities arise for a woman such as she. Knowing Daniel’s history, she wishes to avoid him, but working for his sister is exactly the stepping stone she needs.

Their attraction intensifies as Daniel and Daphne grow closer, preparing his sister for the London Season. But Daniel must resist his desire for a woman tarnished by scandal while Daphne is reminded of the boy she once knew. Can society’s most notorious rake redeem his reputation and become the man Daphne deserves?

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3 thoughts on “To Redeem a Rake (The Heart of a Duke)

  1. Loved the heroine but found much of the narrative irritatingly repetitive. There are things to like about this book, but not enough to overcome the less likeable aspects. Thus, a three-star rating. Things to like: the H/h — especially the h — she walks with a severe limp due to a childhood riding accident. Yet, she’s strong, honest, and looking for a life with integrity and meaning. The H, as the title points out, is a Rake with a capital R — so rakish he is written up regularly in society papers and is often the subject of colorful bets at White’s. The guy gets…

  2. Marvelous! This story spoke to me in ways that most books do not. I have fallen in love with Daniel and Daphne and their story. Daphne is an amazing heroine and one of my favorites. We got glimpses of Daniel in a previous book and I was curious about what turned him to a jaded rake. I was not disappointed. I think one of the reasons I love this book is that it has a heroine who has a disability due to a childhood accident. Daphne is one the strongest characters I’ve read about and it touched me . I…

  3. SPEECHLESS At the moment I have no words. This story brought me to tears, it made me laugh and yell. The pain, the sadness, the anger and the love are strong throughout the whole book, the reader can’t help but feel each emotion deep with in their soul. 

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