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United States of Apocalypse

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When World War 3 erupts on American soil, it is up to some less than likely heroes to band together and stand tall against any and all comers as a once proud nation is brought to her knees.

Cowardly terrorist attacks and indifferent global communities have isolated America as she spirals into a desperate bid for survival. Follow Darlene Bobich and her group on the West Coast along with Michael Talbot on the East Coast as they do everything in their power to thwart those who would take away everything that they and all of us are.

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3 thoughts on “United States of Apocalypse

  1. Loved It! Want more (I’m a greedy book whore, what can I say?) 5 stars!!!!! I absolutely love ZF (think I’m on my third re-read) and now all I can say is “when is the next USoA coming out??????? I cannot wait to see what happens next….

  2. Nailed it! Pre-ordered last month (I think?) and finally downloaded last night. Finished it this morning. 

  3. If you like these authors, this is a must read. Exceptionally well done! About damn time!! These two amazing authors collaborate on this frightening realistic tale using their tried and true characters, fan favorites for sure, in this new apocalyptic world. The action is fast paced and engrossing throughout. With such a plethora of titles under their respective belts, this story does not disappoint, except….. 

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