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When Dead in Greece (Jack Noble)

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A ghost on the Greek island of Crete. Jack Noble is grounded, recovering from his injuries and a near-death experience. The small town isn’t so bad. An old guy named Esau has provided him with a place to stay. The food’s good. And Isadora, Esau’s niece, is easy on the eyes. But tranquility is interrupted when a group of local criminals threatens Esau and kidnaps his niece. Despite his weakened state, Jack risks it all to save the beautiful woman he hardly knows and settle the debt that Esau signed in blood. Fans of Jack Reacher, Mitch Rapp, and Jason Bourne will enjoy this fast-paced international thriller!

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3 thoughts on “When Dead in Greece (Jack Noble)

  1. ANOTHER JACK NOBLE WINNER THAT LEAVES YOU WANTING FOR MORE … A faint sense of Déjà vu as the author expands and explains some of the circumstances following Jack Noble’s near death and escape experience in a Russian prison. The same page-turning, tightly-plotted feeling as with all of the other Jack Noble books. My enthusiastic and unreserved recommendation for another great read. 

  2. Personally I like the action packed thriller books a bit more but … This is a different read by L.T. Ryan in that the pace is slower, more thoughtful in planning next moves and less intense. I didn’t have any trouble sitting down and reading the entire book in one afternoon but that’s how Lee’s books read. You just can’t put one down. Personally I like the action packed thriller books a bit more but what “When Dead in Greece” gives is the fast pace saga a breather. This book depicts Jack as a normal human being, someone capable of getting hurt while…

  3. ~~By a Nose~~ Jack and Alik are awaiting word from Frank so they will be able to leave Palalochora, Greece. They seem to be fairly comfortable staying in a room above a café owned by Esau Rokos. Knowing Jack as we do, he does show an interest in Esau’s niece, Isadora. Some unsavory characters make their appearance and demand money from Esau. The fight is on as we knew it would be with Jack! He still is not completely healed from previous injuries but is still able to hold his own. And, as…

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