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White Lies

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While driving to a charming village tucked away deep in the Cascade Mountains of eastern Washington, where she is to begin a new job teaching high school English, Katrina Burton picks up a young hitchhiker who turns out to be drunk and predatory. Fearful for her safety, she lies about her destination in order to get him out of the car. But when she later discovers that he is a teacher at the same school, she finds herself feeding that initial lie with more lies.

Then Katrina meets a mysterious man. Handsome, charismatic and strong, he is exactly what she needs to extricate her from the expanding network of lies, now spinning out of control. She falls fast and hard for him. But her perfect solution soon becomes a nightmare that lands her in the middle of a grisly murder. And Katrina’s problems don’t stop there. She must decide whether to betray her new love or to cover up the murder and hope for the best.

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3 thoughts on “White Lies

  1. a perfect blend of suspense and action Things are not always as they seem. People may not be who we think they are. 

  2. Oh Dear Gaaaawd Horrible! White Lies makes it into my top five of “Worst Books I’ve Ever Read/Lost Time To.” I can see where the author had a pretty good idea and really could have launched it into something thrilling. But trust me when I say that ‘should have been interesting’ idea died a horrible horrible boring idiotic death. The characters! Boring, unlikable, stupid. The entire plot of this book revolved around a woman who is completely wackadoodle and her ‘white lie’ was so unbelievably stupid and simplistic there…

  3. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions… It was a dark and stormy night… It really was when Katrina Burton stopped to pick up the hitchhiker. He was barely more than a kid and soaked to the bone. How could she just leave him by the side of the road? But that was before he was in her car. He was older than she first thought, and less grateful and polite than drunken and surly. And looking at her in a way she didn’t like at all. Kat started to feel real uncomfortable, real fast. And she wanted him out of her car. While it was…

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