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Valley of Wild Horses

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“The Panhandle was a lonely purple range land, unfenced and wind swept. Bill Smith, cattleman, threw up a cabin and looked at the future with hopeful eyes. One day while plowing almost out of sight of his little home―which that morning he had left apprehensively owing to an impending event―he espied his wife Margaret coming along the edge of the plowed field. She had brought his lunch this day, despite his order to the contrary. Bill dropped the loop of his driving reins over the plow handle and strode toward her. Presently she halted wearily and sat down where the dark rich overturned earth met the line of bleached grass. Bill meant to scold Margaret for bringing his lunch, but it developed she had brought him something more. A son!”

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3 thoughts on “Valley of Wild Horses

  1. Valley of Wild Horses Written in the style of yester-year, but exciting and interesting. If you enjoy the old west, the feeling of exploring new territory, people’s, and horses, you’ll love this book. The writer has a good knowledge of horses, people, history, and the advance of people across the old west.A fine book made availible on Kindle free books.Recomended by John W

  2. A great western read This was an excellent cowboy book! I purchased it for my Kindle and enjoyed it from start to finish. Being a book published many years ago, I was happy with the way they put curse words as ____________. Fill in the blank, which I didn’t have to do….. just knew an expletive could be used. If they’d only do that now-a-days, but perhaps then books might be more ____________ than real words. I highly recommend this book. Thank you.

  3. Love a great western I have always been a fan of Zane Grey, his writing style that is amazing. The descriptions he uses makes you feel like you are actually there. If you are looking for good westerns combined with romance, his books are the way to go! I have never read one of his books that I didn’t like.

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