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Slow Horses (Slough House Series, Book 1)

As the clock ticks toward a young man’s execution, a discredited British intelligence agent sees an opportunity to redeem himself.

Slough House is a dumping ground for British intelligence agents who’ve screwed up a case in any number of ways — by leaving a secret file on a train or blowing a surveillance. River Cartwright, one such ”slow horse,” is bitter about his failure and about his tedious assignment transcribing cell phone conversations.

When a young man is abducted and his kidnappers threaten to broadcast his beheading live on the Internet, River sees an opportunity to redeem himself.

Is the victim who he first appears to be? And what’s the kidnappers’ connection with a disgraced journalist? As the clock ticks on the execution, River finds that everyone has his own agenda.

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Valley of Wild Horses

“The Panhandle was a lonely purple range land, unfenced and wind swept. Bill Smith, cattleman, threw up a cabin and looked at the future with hopeful eyes. One day while plowing almost out of sight of his little home―which that morning he had left apprehensively owing to an impending event―he espied his wife Margaret coming along the edge of the plowed field. She had brought his lunch this day, despite his order to the contrary. Bill dropped the loop of his driving reins over the plow handle and strode toward her. Presently she halted wearily and sat down where the dark rich overturned earth met the line of bleached grass. Bill meant to scold Margaret for bringing his lunch, but it developed she had brought him something more. A son!”