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Winds of Vengeance (Crimson Worlds Refugees)

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Earth Two. A new home for the survivors of the fleet, the men and women who battled against seemingly insurmountable odds to survive the assault of the First Imperium and to destroy the homicidal Regent, the artificial intelligence committed to their destruction.

They have prospered in the years since their arrival, adapting the technology of the First Imperium to build a new and prosperous republic. But as the fear of the First Imperium recedes, cracks have begun to appear, conflicts looming that threaten to destroy all they have worked to achieve.

There are rivalries between the clones known as Tanks and the NBs, naturally born humans – disputes driven by envy, resentment. And on the fringe of the new society, the enhanced genetic hybrids known as Mules are feared by both groups, though they continue to decipher First Imperium technology for the benefit of all.

But there is a far greater threat lurking in deep space, for the Regent was one of two, and its copy activated automatically upon its destruction. It has been planning, exploring, building vast fleets of new warships, and now it is ready to strike at a divided republic, to accomplish what the Regent failed to do. It is ruthlessly single-minded, existing for a single purpose. And that purpose is vengeance.

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3 thoughts on “Winds of Vengeance (Crimson Worlds Refugees)

  1. Solid story! A great addition to the Crimson Worlds Refugees series. The classically noble main characters are in full force (though a bit older), flaws and all. At times a bit schmaltzy, but not too out of hand in this story.

  2. Outstanding opening of a new trilogy Having thoroughly enjoyed all the Crimson worlds series, I jumped into this one of the Crimson Worlds Refugees with relish and it certainly did not disappoint. Very enjoyable read with some great new characters, a new menace to be confronted, continued fine military space battles, well described human grit and courage and a fine opening to the next trilogy. Highly recommended!

  3. A good storyline that opens the next set of books from a good author! The survivors of the battles with the Regent super computer that was built by the First Imperium are tying to build a new life on Earth 2. They struggle with only a small group of people and one of the most important issues is to build a larger population that is sustainable. They have to prepare defenses and make new space craft and develop new technologies and weapons. Thirty years later they are split into 4 groups and strife is showing. They have the original survivors, the new born…

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