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Winds of Vengeance (Crimson Worlds Refugees)

Earth Two. A new home for the survivors of the fleet, the men and women who battled against seemingly insurmountable odds to survive the assault of the First Imperium and to destroy the homicidal Regent, the artificial intelligence committed to their destruction.

They have prospered in the years since their arrival, adapting the technology of the First Imperium to build a new and prosperous republic. But as the fear of the First Imperium recedes, cracks have begun to appear, conflicts looming that threaten to destroy all they have worked to achieve.

There are rivalries between the clones known as Tanks and the NBs, naturally born humans – disputes driven by envy, resentment. And on the fringe of the new society, the enhanced genetic hybrids known as Mules are feared by both groups, though they continue to decipher First Imperium technology for the benefit of all.

But there is a far greater threat lurking in deep space, for the Regent was one of two, and its copy activated automatically upon its destruction. It has been planning, exploring, building vast fleets of new warships, and now it is ready to strike at a divided republic, to accomplish what the Regent failed to do. It is ruthlessly single-minded, existing for a single purpose. And that purpose is vengeance.

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Shadows of the Gods (Crimson Worlds Refugees)

The fleet fights on…deeper. Farther into the black unknown of space. There is no other path, no way for the lost to go save forward.

Admiral Terrance Compton’s fleet is cut off from Earth, deep in the heart of the enemy First Imperium. A third of his people have died in the year his force has been fleeing from its enemies, but he is as determined as ever to find a new home for his people, a way to save his war-torn fleet. His people are running low on everything – food, ammunition, fuel – and the brutal enemy is in relentless pursuit, marshaling all its vast resources to track down and destroy the human refugees. Compton must find a way to replenish his dwindling stores while avoiding the massive enemy forces hunting his fleet from system to system.

Compton seeks an escape, a refuge for his exhausted spacers from the relentless pursuit of their enemies. But they are about to find far more than that as they discover the truth of the distant past and a glimpse of a new future that lies before them. What they learn will shake all they believe…and force them to reconsider who they are. And what victory would look like. The fight has just begun…and the stakes are even higher than any of them had imagined.