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Audie Award Nominee, Children’s Titles for Ages 8-12, 2013

August (Auggie) Pullman was born with a facial deformity that prevented him from going to a mainstream school – until now. He’s about to enter fifth grade at Beecher Prep, and if you’ve ever been the new kid, then you know how hard that can be. The thing is Auggie’s just an ordinary kid, with an extraordinary face. But can he convince his new classmates that he’s just like them, despite appearances? R. J. Palacio has crafted an uplifting novel full of wonderfully realistic family interactions, lively school scenes, and writing that shines with spare emotional power.

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3 thoughts on “Wonder

  1. Every Child above the age of 9 should read this book! First – Parents need to know that Wonder is about young boy, August Pullman, who has a congenital facial abnormality who has to cope with a range of reactions to his unusual appearance. Some kids use hateful language, and some people suggest that Auggie is mentally deficient. However, goodness wins out, and readers should find it inspiring and uplifting. Author R.J. Palacio writes the book in multiple voices — Auggie’s, some of his friends’, his sister’s — and the different points of view…

  2. My son is like Auggie and this book is incredible. My 5th grader has craniofacial anomalies and I feel that this book could not have been better written. RJ Palacio caught Auggie’s voice so well and captured his challenges and strengths so beautifully that I still can’t believe that she doesn’t have a child who is living this life. I’m not going to try to summarize the story as many other reviewers have done that – I just want to talk about the emotional resonance of the work. 

  3. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING BOOK! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING BOOK!!! Please disregard all reviews less than 5 stars! This book should be required reading for every human being who lives on the planet! I’m a 54 year old grandfather who served in the Marine Corps (just for a little context). I’m not an emotional person but this book was incredibly moving. R. J. Palacio…I can’t believe how she so accurately and consistently pegs human nature. The book is a “novel” – yeah right! This is real life! This is truly like it is. If you…

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