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Yes!: My Improbable Journey to the Main Event of WrestleMania

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One of WWE’s most unlikely champions of all time and also one of its most popular, Bryan has proved to the world and to all of WWE that looks can be deceiving. Just ask anyyone who’s ever underestimated him . . . right before he went out and whipped the WWE universe into a frenzy.

This is Bryan’s behind-the-scenes story told for the first time ever by the “YES!” Man himself—from his beginnings as a child wanting to wrestle to his ten years circling the globe on the independent circuit and his remarkable climb to the upper ranks of WWE.

As the biggest week of his life unfolds, Aberdeen, Washington’s bearded son reflects in full detail on his incredible path to the top and gives his take on the events that have shaped him. With his Bryan-ized blend of modesty and surprising candor, Daniel pulls no punches (or martial arts kicks) as he reveals his true thoughts on his evolution as a performer, his various roles in WWE versus the independent years, life on the road, at home, and much more.

And of course, get the untold story surrounding the “YES!” chant that evolved to full-fledged movement, skyrocketing his career. This audiobook chronicles all the hard work, values, influences, unique life choices, and more, leading to his watershed week at WrestleMania 30. You won’t want to miss it. Yes! We’re sure about this.

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3 thoughts on “Yes!: My Improbable Journey to the Main Event of WrestleMania

  1. Incredible and Inspiring! I can’t say l’m a Daniel Bryan superfan, however his presence on my screen weekly for Monday Night Raw did make my monday nights that much more exciting. I admire his in-ring skills and his athleticism and alrhough no everyone buys into the hype, his everyman appeal strikes a chord in me and so many other wrestling fans. By all accounts Bryan didn’t have the desired physique thought required to become a professional wrestler and probably never should have been. He was deemed as too short and…

  2. Great book. It was really hard to put down Great book. It was really hard to put down, I finished it within a couple days. It covers his entire career from wrestling school in Texas, touring in England, living in a gym, fighting in japan, the main event in ROH, and taking over the WWE. It is an incredible story and it couldn’t happen to a better person. Highly recommend it.

  3. Yes!: My Improbably Enjoyable Journey to the End of this Book My decision to buy and read this book was made on impulse shortly after I became aware of its existence. Despite being an avid professional wrestling/sports entertainment/whatever you want to call it fan for most of my life, I don’t read these sorts of books often (the last one was by Adam Copeland, better known as Edge, and was published in 2004), though I do enjoy them. Pro wrestling, on the other hand, I haven’t always enjoyed, and I don’t think I would have gotten back into it or bought…

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