Now in its eighteenth edition, this popular day-to-day features jokes, quips, crazy laws, and absurd lawsuits that are sure to…

Quotes and Poems for Beautiful Little Girls is the perfect little "pick-up" and reminder for beautiful girls, all over the…

Artfully Express Your Love Affair With Quotes! Creative Lettering Workshop will guide your through expressive mixed-media techniques for creating words…

Throughout his years as Mitford's beloved Episcopal priest, Father Tim Kavanagh has been reading and also pondering two crucial questions:…

Inspirational Adult Coloring Book - Be Blessed and Inspired! Color a variety of uplifting doodle patterns with inspirational bible quotes…

This colorful diary inspires journalers to apply happiness guru Karen Salmansohn'sInstant Happy principles to their everyday lives, with 365 prompts to…

This extraordinary page-a-day calendar is packed with centuries of wisdom from great leaders around the world. Begin each day with…

A beautiful collection of some of Father Tim's favorite quotes and a great companion to the Mitford series by the…

“Colorful Quotes” is where the relaxation of coloring meets the inspirational words of some of history’s most influential people. When…