Books That Inspire Channeling The Power of Your Other Hand, Revised Edition

The Power of Your Other Hand, Revised Edition

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Brain researchers in recent years have discovered the vast, untapped potential of the brain’s little used, right hemisphere.

Lucia Capacchione has discovered that our non-dominant hand is a direct channel to that potential and, through the “other hand” exercises and experiments in this course, she will show you how to do such things as:

Talk to your inner child
Aid in recovery from addictions
Channel the deep inner wisdom of your True Self
Help your body to heal
Heal your relationships
Unlock creativity
Uncover hidden artistic abilities
Change negative attitudes about yourself

Like Betty Edwards groundbreaking work the New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, Lucia’s research and field work with people using their other hand provides the raw material for this book. As an art therapist she has observed numerous people using these techniques and becoming more creative, expressive, and intuitive in their lives. She has also noticed people improving their health, developing inner healing powers, and receiving greater fulfillment in their relationships.

Through various drawing and writing exercises with your other hand, Lucia Capacchione hopes you will discover the power that lies hidden in your other hand. The exercises will help you explore and understand your thoughts and feelings on a completely different level, finding out things about yourself that have been buried or concealed for quite some time.

Praise for Previous Edition
“Lucia Capacchione’s workshop was a powerful tool on my healing journey. This book shares her insights and gives you the opportunity to heal your relationship with your inner child. Go for it!”
–Louise L Hay, author, You Can Heal Your Life

“A practical, playful, insightful and delightful way to get in touch with the lnner Self. It is remarkable that one’s own intuitive wisdom and creativity can be tapped so easily, in a process that is readily available to us”
–Joan Borysenko, PhD, Harvard Medical School, author, Minding the Body, Mending the Mind

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3 thoughts on “The Power of Your Other Hand, Revised Edition”

  1. “The Power of Your Other Hand” This is a neat little book that helps you tap into your spontaneous, creative, expressive side. Capaccione shows how we usually are dominated by rationality, logic, straight-lined thinking, and how we neglect the wise, intuitive, spontaneous parts of us. By asking us to do writing exercises with our “other” hand, she helps us get in touch with our inner child, with excitedness, a sense of discovery. Doing the exercises (and they are small, no big tasks at all) can be quite eye-opening – and thoroughly refreshing for your soul.

  2. Simply put, a good book I picked up this book while going through a phase. I was trying to tap into my more artistic side which had been easy for me up until about three years ago, with real world concerns pressing in and working at a job that didn’t spark my creativity I found it harder and harder to distinguish what I really wanted to do compared to what I thought I should do. This book I was hoping would help-and it did. It has many, many exercises to help you get more in touch with your more spontaneous, child like side. Many of these exercises were uncomfortable for me at first for me because they involved giving up the control I held so rigidly to.In fact I found it very hard because giving up control would mean I would have to trust in myself. I didn’t know how to flow anymore and this book is all about flow. Some of the exercises involve drawing pictures with your non-dominant hand and others involve getting in touch with different parts of yourself you might have left behind for some reason or…

  3. An adventure into your intuitive mind. The first night I had this book I began writing with my left hand, even though I really thought I couldn’t do it. Not only was I able to do it, but it opened up a new world to me. The act of writing–which is usually dominated by the left, logical brain–suddenly became more intuitive, freer, and much more of an adventure. The blank page was no longer a threat or obstacle to overcome, but an invitation for my inner voice to speak.

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