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Transition Now: Redefining Duality, 2012 and Beyond

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Spiritual seekers everywhere know it: the world is changing rapidly. The old rules don’t apply. The more open we are to guidance the more guidance will come to us. The guidance in this book teaches us how to recognize the interdimensional energies in our 3D world. As governments shift, economies are pruned, and systems fail, here are hopeful instructions for how celebrate the failure of the old as it makes way for the new, how to balance our energy and that of the planet, and how to meet the future which is now.

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2 thoughts on “Transition Now: Redefining Duality, 2012 and Beyond

  1. An important book about the Shift and related matters This book is authored by three of the “biggies” – Kryon (Lee Carroll), the Sirian High Council (Patricia Cori) and finally Gaia (Pepper Lewis, who turns out to be a woman – it’s hard to tell from the name), so I was delighted to get started on it. The deep questions to all the various beings were posed by the editor Martine Vallée.All three of the authors are high beings, channelled by the various humans. Kryon is the one permitted to start. I’ve already read some of his material and he/she/it is absolutely my favourite source of knowledge at the moment (see, if you wish, my review of “Lifting the veil” in which I describe receiving a marvellous healing in my heart chakra while reading one of his channellings, which I found amazing.)I found Kryon’s channelling to be somewhat more challenging than his usual material – perhaps this had to do with Martine’s advanced questions! There was a lot about our holographic nature, quantum healing, our changing brain…

  2. Great Read for our Changing Times There are quite a few books and predictions about 2012. Some of it is doom and gloom and I personally do not subscribe to that theory. I found this book inspiring and insightful. It speaks of the changes happening in and around our world and what our part is in the transformation of the human race. One of the important messages that impacted me was, “It is our journey together as a group called humanity, rather than an individual journey as a person called me.”The information in this book has a great combination of science, spirituality, consciousness and compassion that I feel every aspect of our lives can be touched by these writings.I recommend this book to those who wish to better understand the energetic shifts in our world today.

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