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The Journey Within: Past-Life Regression and Channeling

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Well endorsed, The Journey Within” states on the back cover, Your past-life memories are closer to you than you may realize,and many exciting discoveries are being made in the search for these timeless memories. One exiting discovery is coming from a unique form of hypnosis, regression, which is proving to be an excellent tool for uncovering past-life memories. This is the story of research hypnotist Henry Bolduc’s twenty-five years of studying and practicing hypnosis. We get to share in the unfolding of a fascinating exploration into the human mind. A good portion of the book is devoted to the development of channeling in two individuals who were able to repeat the Cayce Effect”- channeling information as the great North American Mystic Edgar Cayce did. These sessions are documented with profound readings” as Edgar Cayce referred. Included are Channeling guidelines for those new to the concept.

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2 thoughts on “The Journey Within: Past-Life Regression and Channeling

  1. Absolutely worth reading! Having read many, many books regarding this subject, I have to confess I went into this one prepared to be disappointed. Boy, was I in for a big surprise!This book is awesome in every respect. It blends channeling experience masterfully with the past life regression seemlessly and flawlessly. I hung on every word, and could completely identify with the author, his friends and the subject matter, barely able to put it down.The printing and craftmanship of the book is a little bit odd, but after the first page I hardly noticed. I love the format and the way the author set up his story, which is compelling and authentic. Worthy of many more than 5 stars. If you want to get down to the nitty gritty of past life regression and channeling, then this book won’t disappoint. I promise.

  2. Life Changing The book provides informative material and techniques that literally are life changing. If you have ever felt that your life is not progressing as you would like or that the same situations seem to occur. This book can be helpful in resolving the issue.

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