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Blah to Fierce: For Women Who Are Stuck in a Rut (Fierce Girl Empowerment Series) (Volume 1)

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The Blah to Fierce book is designed for women who have experienced a set back, a loss or emotional trauma but are now ready to take their power back.Interestingly, the conception of this book began with a simple conversation I was having with a friend who was in a great season of her life, exemplifying exceptional quality, while I was on the polar end of the spectrum. She was looking good, smelling good, talking good, exuding good. Meanwhile, I had just moved and was in an uncomfortable place. I had a baby, gained 77 lbs and moved to another city. I was stressed. I was happy for her but I was also nostalgic. What happened to me? I was that spunky, go-getter with the cute bod and consecutive great hair days. Now, I’m this frumpy chic with no je ne sais quoi? It was at that moment that I decided to challenge myself to get back to me! I took inventory and I made it happen! The result is on the cover of this book. Me …reinvented. You may be asking yourself, is this a book I need? Am I blah? Blah is described as insipid; dull; uninteresting; a feeling of physical uneasiness, general discomfort, or mild depression. But the real question is, “Are you fierce?” Even if you find you are somewhere in the middle, skirting by or if you or someone you know is at a change window in life, this book is a must-read!

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