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Activating Happiness: A Jump-Start Guide to Overcoming Low Motivation, Depression, or Just Feeling Stuck

It’s not just big choices that can radically change our lives—sometimes it’s the small ones. Activating Happiness offers powerful, evidence-based strategies to help you conquer low motivation, nix negative moods, and defeat depression by actively making positive choices in small, everyday moments.

If you have depression or just suffer from low mood and lack of motivation, you know that your life isn’t going to change with one grand, sweeping gesture. But you can make important decisions every day—whether it’s getting off the couch and going for a walk, signing up for a course in pottery or screenwriting, or just setting aside some time to meet and chat with a good friend over coffee. These little things won’t change your life all at once. But over time, they will shape the way you live and see the world and keep you on a path to wellness.

In Activating Happiness, you’ll find solid strategies based in behavioral activation and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to help you break the cycle of avoidance, guilt, shame, and hopelessness that can take hold when you’re feeling your lowest. Using this guide, you’ll find little, doable ways to “show up” to your life, get the ball rolling, and start really feeling better, instead of just reassuring others. You’ll learn to set healthy goals for your body like eating and sleeping well, as well as healthy goals for your mind. Most importantly, you’ll discover how to view your life through the lens of your own deepest values, which will spark a commitment to real, lasting change.

The best thing about change is that you can start anywhere. By building a life—moment by moment—of rewarding behaviors that correspond to your values, you have the recipe for getting and staying well at your fingertips. This book will guide your way.

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Blah to Fierce: For Women Who Are Stuck in a Rut (Fierce Girl Empowerment Series) (Volume 1)

The Blah to Fierce book is designed for women who have experienced a set back, a loss or emotional trauma but are now ready to take their power back.Interestingly, the conception of this book began with a simple conversation I was having with a friend who was in a great season of her life, exemplifying exceptional quality, while I was on the polar end of the spectrum. She was looking good, smelling good, talking good, exuding good. Meanwhile, I had just moved and was in an uncomfortable place. I had a baby, gained 77 lbs and moved to another city. I was stressed. I was happy for her but I was also nostalgic. What happened to me? I was that spunky, go-getter with the cute bod and consecutive great hair days. Now, I’m this frumpy chic with no je ne sais quoi? It was at that moment that I decided to challenge myself to get back to me! I took inventory and I made it happen! The result is on the cover of this book. Me …reinvented. You may be asking yourself, is this a book I need? Am I blah? Blah is described as insipid; dull; uninteresting; a feeling of physical uneasiness, general discomfort, or mild depression. But the real question is, “Are you fierce?” Even if you find you are somewhere in the middle, skirting by or if you or someone you know is at a change window in life, this book is a must-read!

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1,600 Quotes & Pieces of Wisdom That Just Might Help You Out When You’re Stuck in a Moment (and can’t get out of it!)

John Lennon said, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” Sometime today while you’re busy following your plan, something may happen that puts you in a funk or motivates you to make a change. Something that could leave you “stuck in a moment”.But, Marie Curie contended, “Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.” When those moments sneak up on you, you can run to counseling, look yourself in the mirror, crawl over to your favorite self-pity corner or you can open Stuck in a Moment and find wisdom to help you understand and, possibly, turn your mood around.Precise in nature, Stuck takes you straight to the heart of life’s customary stumbling blocks: your relationships, your job life, your frame of mind and your desire to have the life you dream of. To some, it’s an express self-help book; to others, a travel guide for their life. Whether you’re following the 12 Steps, looking for an honest, encouraging companion or a fan of inspirational quotes, you’ll find 1,600 opportunities to gain new insights in this book ? a book of rationale and challenge that you will want to keep handy or gift to someone for those everyday moments.

Product Features

  • Used Book in Good Condition
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Weight Loss Motivation: Madness – Why You’re Still Stuck With Your Gut

Weight loss wannabe’s it is time to think outside the box.

LEARN: Weight Loss Motivation Techniques That Work

The way people motivate themselves to lose weight is completely backwards. Most of the techniques they start with eventually become mental roadblocks that actually impede their progress. You may have been making these same mistakes this whole time also.

No one can blame you. You see how people are perceived to motivate themselves all the time on T.V. either with a personal trainer pushing them, a theme song playing in the background or who knows what else. People assume those techniques are what they need to be motivated to lose weight. They are half right.

DISCOVER: Why Weight Loss Motivation Starts With WHY!

You can have the best shoes ever made, the best food, the most knowledge, etc. but none of those things will help you lose weight if you do not understand WHY you want to lose weight in the first place. Sure the doctor may have told you why or your spouse why or the late night infomercial why but none of that matters.

It is you that has to get out of bed every day and actually want to do the work. All of the external motivation techniques you can use only serve as temporary solutions to a chronic problem – the complete lack of self-motivation due to a disconnect from your WHY.

While the reason may seem obvious to others, it may mean nothing to you. Now is the time to take an unorthodox approach to your weight loss motivation. Sure you can still use all those other things like music, affirmations and weight loss groups, but only after you have clarified why you are trying to lose weight in the first place.

Do that and you are almost guaranteed weight loss success when you marry internal motivation to sources of external motivation.

DOWNLOAD: Weight Loss Motivation Madness

If you are ready to stop the madness of constantly trying to force yourself to lose weight then take a look at what you will discover inside:

5 excuses you make that are killing your weight loss goalsWhy worrying about what others think of your body is actually making you fatterHow your mindset is quietly sabotaging you without you having a clueThe power to stay motivated regardless of what life throws at youHow your exercise plan can work against your motivation if you are not carefulExternal motivators that help but only when you are ready for them

This is not your conventional look at weight loss motivation on purpose. What you have always done obviously isn’t working or why would you be reading this book? NOW is your time to finally master your weight loss motivation.

Would You Like To Know More?

Download and start developing your own brand of powerful weight loss motivation today.

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