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You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost): A Memoir

In the tradition of #Girlboss and Mindy Kaling’s Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?, a funny, quirky, and inspiring memoir from online entertainment mogul, actress, and “queen of the geeks” Felicia Day about her unusual upbringing, her rise to Internet stardom, and embracing her individuality to find success in Hollywood.

The Internet isn’t all cat videos – almost.

There’s also Felicia Day – violinist, filmmaker, Internet entrepreneur, compulsive gamer, hoagie specialist, and former lonely homeschooled girl who overcame her isolated childhood to become the ruler of a new world – or at least the world of Internet-geek fame and Goodreads book clubs.

Growing up in the South, where she was homeschooled for hippie reasons, Felicia moved to Hollywood to pursue her dream of becoming an actress and was immediately typecast as a crazy cat-lady secretary. But Felicia’s misadventures in Hollywood led her to produce her own web series, own her own production company, and become an instant Internet star.

Felcia’s shortish life and her rags-to-riches rise to Internet fame launched her career as one of the most influential creators in new media. Now Felicia’s strange life is filled with thoughts on creativity, video games, and a dash of mild feminist activism – just like her memoir.

Hilarious and inspirational, You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) is proof that everyone should embrace what makes them different and be brave enough to share it with the world, because anything is possible now – even for a digital misfit.

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You’re the Rogue That I Want: Rogues of Redmere, Book 1

Red never shies away from a challenge. Never.

But when Miss Hannah St. John strides into his life demanding – yes, demanding – he help her, he’s certain she’s more challenge than even he can handle.

Hannah is determined to transport an artifact from France – one that will change everything – even if it means working with a lawless man like Red. Nothing is more important than preserving history. Nothing. Not even the touch of a smuggler who inconceivably makes her stomach twist.

When it becomes clear the irritating bluestocking will do anything for this blasted artifact and needs saving from herself, the earl-turned-smuggler steps in. Carting a cursed stone across the country with a know-it-all woman is not Red’s idea of fun, particularly when their journey runs far from smoothly…so why does he find himself enjoying her company just a little too much?

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Dust Yourself off Huntie, You’re Beautiful: 25 Self Empowering Affirmations

Women were created from a man’s rib. As a woman, you are destined for greatness. You were not put here just to procreate. God crafted a very special plan for your life. Too often we mute our voices and deal with unnecessary bull within our lives. Today is the day you shake all of those negative thoughts, and put on your crown. Today is the day you hold your head high and walk like the queen you are! This book was written to inspire you to become that fearless, confidant woman I know you to be! There are 25 self-empowering affirmations within this book, and it is shared with giving multiple life lessons for how they can help shift your mind. If you’re ready to challenge your current self to your future self, I dare you to pull out your colorful markers and notecards, and let’s start creating your wall full of inspiration! Remember, this life is yours to create. So, why not create the best damn life there is.

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Say You’re Sorry: Morgan Dane, Book 1

In a new series from Wall Street Journal bestselling author Melinda Leigh, former prosecutor Morgan Dane faces the most personal – and deadly – case of her lifetime.

After the devastating loss of her husband in Iraq, Morgan Dane returns to Scarlet Falls, seeking the comfort of her hometown. Now, surrounded by family, she’s finally found peace and a promising career opportunity – until her babysitter is killed and her neighbor asks her to defend his son, Nick, who stands accused of the murder.

Tessa was the ultimate girl next door, and the community is outraged by her death. But Morgan has known Nick for years and can’t believe he’s guilty, despite the damning evidence stacked against him. She asks her friend Lance Kruger, an ex-cop turned private eye, for help. Taking on the town, the police, and a zealous DA, Morgan and Lance plunge into the investigation, determined to find the real killer. But as they uncover secrets that rock the community, they become targets for the madman hiding in plain sight.

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Say You’re Sorry (Morgan Dane)

In a new series from Wall Street Journal bestselling author Melinda Leigh, former prosecutor Morgan Dane faces the most personal—and deadly—case of her lifetime.

After the devastating loss of her husband in Iraq, Morgan Dane returns to Scarlet Falls, seeking the comfort of her hometown. Now, surrounded by family, she’s finally found peace and a promising career opportunity—until her babysitter is killed and her neighbor asks her to defend his son, Nick, who stands accused of the murder.

Tessa was the ultimate girl next door, and the community is outraged by her death. But Morgan has known Nick for years and can’t believe he’s guilty, despite the damning evidence stacked against him. She asks her friend Lance Kruger, an ex-cop turned private eye, for help. Taking on the town, the police, and a zealous DA, Morgan and Lance plunge into the investigation, determined to find the real killer. But as they uncover secrets that rock the community, they become targets for the madman hiding in plain sight.

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1,600 Quotes & Pieces of Wisdom That Just Might Help You Out When You’re Stuck in a Moment (and can’t get out of it!)

John Lennon said, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” Sometime today while you’re busy following your plan, something may happen that puts you in a funk or motivates you to make a change. Something that could leave you “stuck in a moment”.But, Marie Curie contended, “Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.” When those moments sneak up on you, you can run to counseling, look yourself in the mirror, crawl over to your favorite self-pity corner or you can open Stuck in a Moment and find wisdom to help you understand and, possibly, turn your mood around.Precise in nature, Stuck takes you straight to the heart of life’s customary stumbling blocks: your relationships, your job life, your frame of mind and your desire to have the life you dream of. To some, it’s an express self-help book; to others, a travel guide for their life. Whether you’re following the 12 Steps, looking for an honest, encouraging companion or a fan of inspirational quotes, you’ll find 1,600 opportunities to gain new insights in this book ? a book of rationale and challenge that you will want to keep handy or gift to someone for those everyday moments.

Product Features

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You’re the Shit: A totally inappropriate self-affirming adult coloring book

**A second totally inappropriate coloring book, You are a Badass, available now!**

Color like the badass you are.

Coloring is relaxing, easy, and fun. But do you know what’s even better? A sassy coloring book that boosts your self-esteem while you color.

Inside this beautiful book you’ll find 21 single-sided, gorgeous frameable designs to color and enjoy. Handpicked for their beauty and ranging from simple to intricate, most of the drawings include uplifting messages…from the socially acceptable “You’ve got this” to the cheekily profane “You are a metric shit ton of awesome.”

So grab some pencils or markers, find a comfortable place to artistically unwind, and get ready to raise your spirits while you release your inner sass in full-color splendor.

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Weight Loss Motivation: Madness – Why You’re Still Stuck With Your Gut

Weight loss wannabe’s it is time to think outside the box.

LEARN: Weight Loss Motivation Techniques That Work

The way people motivate themselves to lose weight is completely backwards. Most of the techniques they start with eventually become mental roadblocks that actually impede their progress. You may have been making these same mistakes this whole time also.

No one can blame you. You see how people are perceived to motivate themselves all the time on T.V. either with a personal trainer pushing them, a theme song playing in the background or who knows what else. People assume those techniques are what they need to be motivated to lose weight. They are half right.

DISCOVER: Why Weight Loss Motivation Starts With WHY!

You can have the best shoes ever made, the best food, the most knowledge, etc. but none of those things will help you lose weight if you do not understand WHY you want to lose weight in the first place. Sure the doctor may have told you why or your spouse why or the late night infomercial why but none of that matters.

It is you that has to get out of bed every day and actually want to do the work. All of the external motivation techniques you can use only serve as temporary solutions to a chronic problem – the complete lack of self-motivation due to a disconnect from your WHY.

While the reason may seem obvious to others, it may mean nothing to you. Now is the time to take an unorthodox approach to your weight loss motivation. Sure you can still use all those other things like music, affirmations and weight loss groups, but only after you have clarified why you are trying to lose weight in the first place.

Do that and you are almost guaranteed weight loss success when you marry internal motivation to sources of external motivation.

DOWNLOAD: Weight Loss Motivation Madness

If you are ready to stop the madness of constantly trying to force yourself to lose weight then take a look at what you will discover inside:

5 excuses you make that are killing your weight loss goalsWhy worrying about what others think of your body is actually making you fatterHow your mindset is quietly sabotaging you without you having a clueThe power to stay motivated regardless of what life throws at youHow your exercise plan can work against your motivation if you are not carefulExternal motivators that help but only when you are ready for them

This is not your conventional look at weight loss motivation on purpose. What you have always done obviously isn’t working or why would you be reading this book? NOW is your time to finally master your weight loss motivation.

Would You Like To Know More?

Download and start developing your own brand of powerful weight loss motivation today.

Scroll to the top of the page and select the buy button.

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When You’re Ready

Years after suffering the tragic loss of her husband, Ethan, which left her alone to raise their young daughter, Clare Murray still holds the last letter he wrote with the words “When You’re Ready” written in his familiar messy handwriting, unable to break its weathered seal. Ready for what? He was her entire world, and Clare had accepted a life without him, without love. Until years later, fate brings her to an emergency room, and face to face with a stormy-eyed doctor intent on changing her mind.

Son of a billionaire, Logan Matthews has spent his life trying to make his absentee father proud. Without a family to depend on, all he’s ever wanted is a place to call home. After a failed marriage, Logan believes he’s unworthy of love…until he meets a woman who awakens his spirit and transforms his entire life in an instant. But how far are Clare and Logan willing to go for love? Can his love mend the pieces of her grieving heart?

When their love is tested, is Clare ready to put her whole heart on the line again? Can Logan learn the true meaning of love, even if it means sacrificing his own happiness? When a second chance at love is given, Clare and Logan learn you are never truly ready until you’re ready to risk it all.