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Dust Yourself off Huntie, You’re Beautiful: 25 Self Empowering Affirmations

Women were created from a man’s rib. As a woman, you are destined for greatness. You were not put here just to procreate. God crafted a very special plan for your life. Too often we mute our voices and deal with unnecessary bull within our lives. Today is the day you shake all of those negative thoughts, and put on your crown. Today is the day you hold your head high and walk like the queen you are! This book was written to inspire you to become that fearless, confidant woman I know you to be! There are 25 self-empowering affirmations within this book, and it is shared with giving multiple life lessons for how they can help shift your mind. If you’re ready to challenge your current self to your future self, I dare you to pull out your colorful markers and notecards, and let’s start creating your wall full of inspiration! Remember, this life is yours to create. So, why not create the best damn life there is.