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Activating Happiness: A Jump-Start Guide to Overcoming Low Motivation, Depression, or Just Feeling Stuck

It’s not just big choices that can radically change our lives—sometimes it’s the small ones. Activating Happiness offers powerful, evidence-based strategies to help you conquer low motivation, nix negative moods, and defeat depression by actively making positive choices in small, everyday moments.

If you have depression or just suffer from low mood and lack of motivation, you know that your life isn’t going to change with one grand, sweeping gesture. But you can make important decisions every day—whether it’s getting off the couch and going for a walk, signing up for a course in pottery or screenwriting, or just setting aside some time to meet and chat with a good friend over coffee. These little things won’t change your life all at once. But over time, they will shape the way you live and see the world and keep you on a path to wellness.

In Activating Happiness, you’ll find solid strategies based in behavioral activation and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to help you break the cycle of avoidance, guilt, shame, and hopelessness that can take hold when you’re feeling your lowest. Using this guide, you’ll find little, doable ways to “show up” to your life, get the ball rolling, and start really feeling better, instead of just reassuring others. You’ll learn to set healthy goals for your body like eating and sleeping well, as well as healthy goals for your mind. Most importantly, you’ll discover how to view your life through the lens of your own deepest values, which will spark a commitment to real, lasting change.

The best thing about change is that you can start anywhere. By building a life—moment by moment—of rewarding behaviors that correspond to your values, you have the recipe for getting and staying well at your fingertips. This book will guide your way.

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Jumpstart Your Life: Find Your Motivation and Change Your Life One Step at a Time

Are there areas in your life where you experience discomfort? That’s a good thing. Discomfort is your mind’s way of spotlighting areas where you need to make changes.

In Jumpstart Your Life, Whole Living Consultant Diane Randall reveals how to take discomfort and shape it into something powerful and transformative. You’ll discover how to step out of your comfort zone and create the life and success you desire.

Randall presents a series of simple, effective steps to personal success based on more than a decade of experience leading life-changing wellness and self-help workshops. You’ll learn to design meaningful affirmations, create a vision of the ideal life you want now, and start working toward that life immediately. With care and consideration, she guides you around the thought processes that are keeping you stuck, setting you on the road toward dreams you once thought unattainable.

If you’ve ever desired change but felt overwhelmed, Randall’s book is for you. You’ll start at the beginning and take one small step forward every day, moving inexorably toward a new, balanced, and harmonious existence. The life you live emerges from the choices you make. Randall invites you to make different choices and change your path forever.

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Jumpstart Your Motivation: 10 Jolts to Get Motivated and Stay Motivated

Warning! Exposure to the contents in this book may cause severe change in attitude, unbridled enthusiasm, unlimited accomplishment, renewed passion, a more active lifestyle, heightened joy, extended moments of happiness, or increased earnings. These changes may affect your family, friends, coworkers, even complete strangers. If you experience any of these symptoms, keep going. You are now motivated!

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Inspirational Picture Quotes about Friendship: Best Friends Forever: Motivational, Cute, True, Happy and Funny Friendship Quotations (Jumpstart Life Series) (Volume 3)

Friendship Quotes: Inspirational picture quotes about friendship and friends Gabi Rupp, creator of shares an extraordinary collection of her favorite and most insightful friendship quotes from around the world and throughout history. It is a great addition to your own personal library but will make a wonderful gift too. As one of a series of Picture Quotes books it is written for the lover of visually appealing positive quotes. Enjoy insightful, inspirational, funny and famous quotes on friends and friendship. It will bring to mind a lifetime of memories, shared experiences and push you to be a better version of you. Inspirational picture quotes about friendship and best friends is an easy read detailing the collective life wisdom of the author: Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: What! You too? I thought I was the only one. ~C. S. Lewis Vibrant Pictures Brilliant color photos grace each page, stimulating the reader further in working on its friendships. The Inspirational Picture Quotes about Friendship is a perfect book to carry in your pocket for daily affirmations and uplifting sayings, sure to make each day a little brighter. A gift book for many occasions … long-time friend, acquaintance or office friend A great one-size-fits-all book that invites you to embark on a journey to find friendship within yourself, motivating you to listen to your heart. With their eclectic mixture of human understanding, and sometimes just plain fun, these are gifts that people want to give and love to receive. This heart-warming collection of some of the most uplifting friendship quotes from around the world is the perfect gift for many occasions: • Anniversary • Birthday • Christmas • Congratulation • Farewell & Goodbye • Friendship Day • Graduation • Holiday • Retirement • Support Looking for the right words to say? Find a quote for most any recipient and express your best wishes using this compilation of the most popular friendship quotes. Inspiring Friendship Quotes from people throughout history Filled with thoughtful quotes about friends and friendship from people throughout history, you will read the wisdom of known historical and modern figures such as: • Anaïs Nin • Emma Bunton • Aristotle • Cicero • Epicurus • Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche • George Washington The paperback version comes with space for your own dedication or greetings to your gift book, so that you can create an even more personal and thoughtfully sensitive gift. Pick up your copy of Inspirational Picture Quotes about Friendship today and tell a friend how much you care! AFTER YOUR PURCHASE PLEASE LOOK UP OUR OTHER TITLES YOU MIGHT LIKE: * Inspirational Picture Quotes about Happiness * Inspirational Picture Quotes about Love

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Live In Wonder: Quests, Quotes & Questions to Jumpstart Your Journey

After college, Eric Saperston bought a 1971 Volkswagen bus, took his golden retriever Jack and set out to follow the Grateful Dead and work a ski season in Aspen. While on the road he called up some of the most powerful people in the world and asked them out for a cup of coffee. The reason: to find out the values they live by, the struggles they endured and what advice and counsel they would give others to better prepare themselves for the road ahead. The results: a development deal with Walt Disney Studios, an award-winning film The Journey, an apparel line, a speaking tour and his latest book Live In Wonder: Quests, Quotes & Questions To Jumpstart Your Journey. What started out as a personal journey to find the answers to life’s biggest questions (Why am I here? How can I find happiness? What is success?) quickly turned into something bigger than he ever imagined.

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Write Starts: Prompts, Quotes, and Exercises to Jumpstart Your Creativity

Even dedicated and experienced writers need what author and writing coach Hal Zina Bennett provides: a fresh, fun, surefire place to start. In this handy resource, practiced and aspiring writers alike will find inspiration and initiative in the form of prompts for brief writing exercises, story prompts that set forth dramatic arcs for more lengthy works, readings with exercises that reflect on the art and craft of writing, and quotes from famous authors on the inner processes of successful work. Write Starts facilitates creativity like the perfect seat at a favorite café or a peaceful room of one’s own. What’s more, it puts you in the congenial company of a wise and expert coach.