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Bought For A Price

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We all go through things in life. Some are currently going through at this very moment. Brie Fash opens up and is transparent enough to allow you to read about her life; her trials and her struggles. Do you know your worth? Do you know that you are made in God’s image? Did you know that God doesn’t want you hurting and seeing yourself less than what he created you to be? Her reason for allowing you to walk into her personal life is to make aware things that we as women sometimes allow ourselves to endure. We endure these things simply because we do not want to be alone or simply because we do not feel confident enough in ourselves to know there is someone out there just for us. When reading this book allow yourself to look at your own situation and compare. It may not be the exact situation or circumstance, but let it teach you that you should be cherished, you should be honored and you should be respected as the beautiful woman of God that he created you to be.

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1 thought on “Bought For A Price

  1. Amazing self help book Bought for a price was awesome. It’s like having a conversation with one of your best girlfriends. There is at least one situation in this book that everyone can relate to. And the advice given will help improve your own outlook on things. The book helped me and I am sure if you read it will help you in some way.

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