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How to Develop Your Personal Mission Statement

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This Personal Mission Statement kit will help you to:

• Lead and govern your life according to your deepest priorities.
• Meet life’s day-to-day challenges by focusing on your long-term vision.
• Avoid diversions and distractions that don’t contribute to your life’s mission, vision, and goals.
• Become the powerful creative force of your life and influence for good the lives of others.

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  • How to Develop Your Personal Mission Statement

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3 thoughts on “How to Develop Your Personal Mission Statement

  1. OK, but wish it had more examples I bought this to help me prepare for a Bible study that I am leading called, “What’s My Purpose?” Covey is a great writer and always has good information. But, this book was much more about why you need a mission statement, not as much on how to write one. I would have found this to be much more helpful if it contained more information on how to write a mission statement and if it had many more examples of actual mission statements.

  2. important but does not add much I feel it is useful to those who did not read the 7 habits. The concept of a personal mission statement is much more clear and powerful in that context. So if you really want to get the full value read the 7 habits and skip this one.

  3. Good for inspiration, but low on actual implementation The book is persuasive and inspiring enough to drill down the necessity of having a personal mission statement in life.However, falls short of providing a step-by-step guide on how to make your mission statement. It was more like a collection of not-so-connected stories of people who have approached this topic in different ways.Not a very useful book in the end if you are looking to create an actual personal mission statement for your life.

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