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Find Your Extraordinary: Dream Bigger, Live Happier, and Achieve Success on Your Own Terms

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What if you could, with a little effort, live an extraordinary life? A life in which you felt deep passion for everything you did, and always had time for what matters most? A life in which you had the power, the daring, and the will to make your boldest dreams come true, all while you happily left feelings of inadequacy or guilt behind?
It is possible to take your life from ordinary to extraordinary. The secret? Cultivating the entrepreneurial spirit inside you – the spirit that allows you to embrace your individuality, to look not just at what is but at what could be, to believe in yourself beyond reason and to step up to creating your own definition of happiness and success  – a version of success in which work and family life happily co-exist – instead of chasing a cookie-cutter version.
Here, Jessica Herrin, serial entrepreneur and founder and CEO of the Stella & Dot Family Brands, shows how the classic traits of successful entrepreneurs are ones each one of us can develop – and use not only to create a company, but also to create an extraordinary life. Whether we work a corporate job, run a family, or run our own business, Herrin offers realistic, attainable steps each one of us can take to achieve extraordinary success on our own terms. Through candid and inspiring lessons from her life as a successful CEO and working mother of two, as well as stories of many amazing individuals she’s met along the way, Herrin inspires and empowers us to dial up the sound of our own voices and make our authentic dreams a reality.
This book isn’t about having it all; it’s about having what matters most to you. It is about how to find your extraordinary – your extraordinary career, your extraordinary happiness, your extraordinary life.

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3 thoughts on “Find Your Extraordinary: Dream Bigger, Live Happier, and Achieve Success on Your Own Terms

  1. Wisdom and anecdotes about reaching deep to use your strengths This book is written with a lot of wisdom about pursuing the best life you can, how to mobilize your inner strengths and focus on what is important. How did she get so wise at her age? The observations and advice she gives are, for me, worth highlighting and making sure they are part of my approach to life. 

  2. Using Entrepreneurial Principles & Practices to Cultivate a Business and Life Do you want to live an extraordinary life? Do you have what matters MOST to you? This book aspires to help get your there. 

  3. I love reading books about successful female entrepreneurs In this book the founder and CEO of Stella and Dot describes how the classic traits of entrepreneurs can be learned and developed by any of us. She offers realistic, attainable steps and practical advice. Part one of the book describes the path to entrepreneurial success and teaches how to conquer fear and develop “lone eagle confidence.” The second part of the book describes the 6 “P”s of the entrepreneurial spirit: Passion, Path, Power of a Positive Mind, People, Perseverance,…

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