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Get Out of Your Own Way: Overcoming Self-Defeating Behavior

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Practical, proven steps show how to transform 40 common self-defeating behaviors, including procratination, envy, obsession, anger, self-pity, compulsion, neediness, guilt, rebellion, inaction, and more.

Product Features

  • Self-Help
  • Psychology
  • Get Out of Your Own Way
  • Mark Goulston, M.D.
  • Philip Goldberg

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3 thoughts on “Get Out of Your Own Way: Overcoming Self-Defeating Behavior

  1. WOW ! A self-help book that actually HELPS!! This book is worth its weight in gold. No hocus-pocus quick fixes here – just common sense in short chapters on a myriad of methods human beings use to screw life up for themselves – or should I say “ourselves”? I saw myself on many pages, to one degree or another, and the “Usable Insights” were actually useful!! Very few authors go as far at stripping away the delusions people hide behind as Dr. Goulston. For anyone who REALLY wants to get to the nitty-gritty about how…

  2. very helpful I’m suffering from mild depression and I expected this book to be helpful for depressants to change ways of thinking and behaving but… It didn’t help my depression a lot but it became a big help in my relationships. This book can make you feel worse or frustrated at times if you are sensitive and depressed. You may feel the author looks down on you or you may feel hurt. 

  3. No-Nonsense Self-Help This was one of the most refreshing and helpful books I’ve read in a long time. I was expecting pop-psych, but instead found a sensible, constructive, no-nonsense approach to recognizing and dealing with self-defeating behavior. Summaries of each behavior and step-by-step guides to change at the end of each chapter were a definite plus. I’d recommend this book to anyone who’s ready change and is willing to make the effort to do it!

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