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Happy on Purpose: Daily Messages of Empowerment and Joy for Women, Revised and Expanded Edition

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This book is a mini-roadmap to mega-happiness. Think of the happiest person you know. Who is she and what is her secret? Well that woman can be you! It starts with the realization that being happy is a personal choice that you make every day. Happy on Purpose gives you the tools to do so. Diana Fletcher guides you through the year with daily messages to help you remove self-imposed obstacles and claim your true power. Each page offers a chance to pause and reflect on how you approach situations. She reveals how even the smallest changes can make the biggest differences in your life. The accompanying happy action items help you regroup and focus on what really matters. As a loving inspirational guide, Diana shares her wisdom and humor to encourage you to step beyond limitations and take good care of yourself–physically, emotionally and spiritually. When you do so, you connect with your authentic nature, which can lead to profound joy.

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3 thoughts on “Happy on Purpose: Daily Messages of Empowerment and Joy for Women, Revised and Expanded Edition

  1. Fantastic A wonderful daily reading to inspire you, to make you think and most importantly to Be Happy. I continue to buy these as gifts for others. I just returned from a two week vacation with my two teenage (14 & 17) GRANDSONS. We read this book everyday as part of our daily devotions. They loved the readings and worked hard every day at the Happy Action. I was so happy when they would remind me it was time to read. I can’t say enough how this book just seems to be exactly what you need to…

  2. HAPPY ON PURPOSE… wise direction to tap into our internal strengths. HAPPY ON PURPOSE – the title elicits intrigue, playfulness and fun …the book give us wise direction through our own actions to tap into our internal strengths and move us forward. 

  3. Different approach …. As I prepared to write my review I scrolled through previous reviews of the book and one word continued to pop out at me …Love…LOve….LOVE!!! Only special books written by special people touch others in such a powerful way. This book should be a prescription. It should be a necessary part of the daily routine. As a therapist who works with those who are often trapped in darkness I look forward to making this book a part of my daily group sessions. I am proud to know Dianna and her work is…

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