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Jump…And Your Life Will Appear: An Inch-by-Inch Guide to Making a Major Change

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     Are you ready to make changes in your life—but feel something is holding you back? Is your soul asking you to take a leap—but you’re too afraid to take it? Are you ready for something new—but aren’t sure where to start?     If this sounds like you, the book you hold in your hands will give you the courage and faith you need to jump across the threshold from where you are—to where you want to be. Jump . . . And Your Life Will Appear is a step-by-step guide to clearing the path ahead so you can let go and make the change you need the most. With a series of effective exercises, coach and author Nancy Levin will walk you through your fear, usher you up to the moment of jumping, and help you navigate what awaits on the other side.     Whether you want to switch careers, move to a different part of the world, set boundaries with someone in your life, or increase your capacity for self-love, Jump . . . And Your Life Will Appear will support you on a practical path from start to finish.

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3 thoughts on “Jump…And Your Life Will Appear: An Inch-by-Inch Guide to Making a Major Change

  1. Too shallow for me .. Although this book was well endorsed by the Hay House club, it totally didnt ‘do’ anything for me as a reader seeking steps to change. It did not go ‘deep’ as I had expected it to, the internal curtains of her story didnt fully open in my view. So yes, I was not at all excited about putting any of her tips into practice. When you need a ‘key’ for change, it needs a more dynamic foundation than this book provides, but this is just my opinion of course. I had expected a lot more ‘shifts’ or a-ha’…

  2. Helpful if you are divorcing I purchased this book because It said it was about making a major change. The author really wrote it about handling a divorce, based on her own experiences. I couldn’t really see that it applied to me, since I am not divorcing or leaving a job. My situation is that I want to move across the country, and I didn’t think it pertained to non relationship situations. I read through it, but it just didn’t apply. I think it will be an excellent guide for those of you divorcing. If so, definitely…

  3. Raw, challenging, gentle, supportive, and real – all rolled into one. This book is for anyone facing a needed or wanted change in their lives.I have struggled through the changes I have made in my own life because I jumped too soon, headed headfirst into a world I was not prepared for. Those changes have been more difficult because I stepped into them without that solid preparation.This book really is a step by step guide through the preparation, the change, and then through the aftermath. It is helping me through a much needed change…

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