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Madly in Love with ME: The Daring Adventure of Becoming Your Own Best Friend

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Most of us know that loving ourselves would be a good idea, but we have no clue what that really means. Self-love feels too vast, too esoteric, and frankly like something you should keep under wraps.

This breakthrough book on self-love changes all that by taking you beyond the idea of loving, valuing, and caring for yourself into daring acts that will help you experience it. Christine Arylo provides practical, fun ways to explore and embody the ten branches of self-love every day and in every part of your life. Reading this book is like receiving permission to treat yourself as a best friend would. Imagine having the power to:

* Give to yourself first, without guilt
* Shower yourself with loving words instead of criticism and comparison
* Go for your dreams with conviction and courage
* Choose the situations and relationships that make you happiest
* Discover and explore your deepest thoughts and desires — and act on them

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3 thoughts on “Madly in Love with ME: The Daring Adventure of Becoming Your Own Best Friend

  1. Worth It If you can get past the cheesiness that much of this book is wrapped in (the Self-Love Tree, while useful, made me throw up in my mouth a little) than the content is actually VERY worthwhile. Ignore the gooey fluff and focus on the exercises and the message and it’s actually very logical and has improved my self-esteem immensely – and I haven’t even finished it yet! Seriously, you won’t regret it. Just expect the cheesiness and ignore it, if you do as it says the meat of the book will have you…

  2. Mandatory reading for all women! Women are so hard on themselves and self-criticism and judgmental thoughts are daily food for most of us. Madly in Love with Me not only gives me permission to love and accept myself just as I am, it encourages me to REJOICE in who I am and it provides clear, authentic guidance and inspirational nuggets I can carry with me into my everyday life. Learning to love yourself is a lifelong journey–but having Christine with you along the way, makes this experience fun and hope-filled. All women…

  3. Spiritual Vitamin for all Ages Madly in Love With Me is dense with practical exercises and insightful content. I tried to work my way through slowly the first time, doing all the activities and journaling. I’m going through again to highlight especially useful tidbits. I find many “self growth” books to be geared towards younger or older audiences. As a 40-year old, this book is absolutely applicable to my experience, as I imagine it would be to women in their 20’s or 60’s. if you are ready for a perception change I…

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