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Mayan Messages: The Mayan Tzolkin Calendar, Daily Guide to Self-Empowerment

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The Mayan Messages are a collection of 260 channeled messages, one for each day of the sacred Tzolkin Mayan calendar. The Day Keepers of the Mayan calendar speak from the “Other Side,” encouraging the reader to look within, on a daily basis, for ways to create the reality one chooses to experience. These pearls of wisdom will allow you to create a life filled with peace, joy and abundance. . . Now and in every moment, no matter what chaos is spinning around you. Also available as an eBook and Epub, for more information, visit: To read other publications by Theresa Crabtree, visit:

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2 thoughts on “Mayan Messages: The Mayan Tzolkin Calendar, Daily Guide to Self-Empowerment

  1. Amazingly True I have had this book in my home for quite a few months.I can read “God Calling” the “Daily Word” and other books but none of them can compete with the gentle information from this book.I feel as if I am guided to this book because it aligns with my soul and it’s memories.Each page in a gentle way takes me back to humility and lessons that mankind learned from his history but has forgotten.If you want a gentle, soft-spoken daily read, this is the one to choose.The…

  2. Beyond Excellent! I’ve been reading this book online for a year. I did feel it was worthy of me donating to the Prison Project so this bookcan be placed in prisons. It reflects the author’s heart.I feel so enriched by the messages that I am going to order the book for myself. I want a copy I can hold in my hands andrefer to any time I please.I would HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who is looking for “Uplifting Encouragement.”It is amazingly spot on. Every reading has…

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