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P.E. for the Soul: How one girl learned to walk with strays and run with the wolves

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Kim shares her story honestly and authentically. Her trials and tribulations are inspirations from the heart. In 1992 Kim Hiles made a choice to surrender that which was no longer working in her life. And in 1994 Kim was guided to a philosophy which helped change her life. She has had such profound shifts in perception in which great healing and positive change has occurred. Kim has personally overcome addiction, commitment/intimacy issues, victimization, severe anxiety and depression. Described as a “sensitive,” Kim can feel what is going on under the layers and behind our masks. Sit back, and enjoy the ride. Her life is an inspiration to all those suffering despair. Kim is currently married and living in Texas with her husband, son and animal companions. She is a P.E.teacher, communicator, healer and survivor. If you would like to contact Kim, check out her blog:

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1 thought on “P.E. for the Soul: How one girl learned to walk with strays and run with the wolves

  1. Insightful – Something for each one of us. Inspirational life story sprinkled with beautiful poetic expressions, this deeply personal story provides guidance for us all. Not only do I recommend it, I look forward to her next book. Thank you, Kim Hiles!

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