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Sexpot With Stretch Marks: Fierce Musings Along the Journey to Self-Love With Sass

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In a culture obsessed with how we look, weight loss and anti-aging, Jenny G. Perry’s book, “Sexpot with Stretch Marks” asks us to redefine beauty and passing judgment on other women. Are we allowed to truly love ourselves? Inside this book you’ll read empowering words that push the boundaries of how we see our bodies, our stretch marks and our wrinkles. Are we too much or too little? Are we good enough as we are? Loving and accepting yourself exactly as you are now, is the goal of the courageous, enlightening words. Not just about stretch marks but about how you really see yourself, your body and your beauty!

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3 thoughts on “Sexpot With Stretch Marks: Fierce Musings Along the Journey to Self-Love With Sass

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed Sexpot with Stretch Marks I thoroughly enjoyed Sexpot with Stretch Marks! Jenny G Perry has her own unique writing style that’s authentic, humorous and uplifting. She is herself with no apologies. She owns her beauty and self-worth. 

  2. EVERY WOMAN needs to read this book! Every woman I have ever known has had issues with food and body image. All my women friends have thought at one time or another that if only their bodies were “perfect” by some external standard of beauty that they’d be able to handle their lives, enjoy themselves and that everything would fall miraculously into place. They’d finally love themselves. Jenny G. Perry shows us through her own life (with pictures in the Kindle edition) that nothing could be further from the truth. Only self love…

  3. Beautiful! So You and So True! This book is self-esteem, soul, life, and Jenny! Love you for bearing your soul and inspiring women to love themselves as they are: Bad Ass Goddesses!

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