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The Seat of the Soul: 25th Anniversary Edition with a Study Guide

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With the same extraordinary skill that he used to demystify scientific abstraction and the new physics, Gary Zukay, the award-winning author of The Dancing Wu Li Masters, here takes us on a brilliant and penetrating exploration of the new phase of evolution we have now entered.
With lucidity and elegance, Zukav explains that we are evolving from a species that pursues power based upon the perceptions of the five senses — external power — into a species that pursues authentic power — power that is based upon the perceptions and values of the spirit. He shows how the pursuit of external power has produced our survival-of-the-fittest understanding of evolution, generated conflict between lovers, communities, and superpowers, and brought us to the edge of destruction.
Using his scientist’s eye and philosopher’s heart, Zukav shows how infusing the activities of life with reverence, compassion, and trust makes them come alive with meaning and purpose. He illustrates how the emerging values of the spirit are changing marriages into spiritual partnerships, psychology into spiritual psychology, and transforming our everyday lives. The Seat of the Soul describes the remarkable journey to the spirit that each of us is on.Ready to attain a higher level of understanding? Author Gary Zukav can help you evolve into a multisensory being, one who “values love more than the physical world.” As shown in The Dancing Wu Li Masters, his bestselling exploration of physics, Zukav has a gift for presenting complex, even mind-boggling concepts in clearly worded and reasoned logic. In Seat of the Soul, he leads you on an inspirational and potentially life-changing journey into the seemingly intangible realm of the spirit. Reading in a calm, soothing voice he explains why increased sensory perception will mark the next phase of human evolution, how the power of choice can change your existence, and what you can do to infuse your life with more compassion, trust, and understanding. (Running time: 3 hours, 2 cassettes) –George Laney

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3 thoughts on “The Seat of the Soul: 25th Anniversary Edition with a Study Guide

  1. On getting to know yourself. Gary Zukav’s “Seat of the Soul” is a treatise on the empowerment of one’s soul. Zukav discusses really living one’s life rather than seeking the approval of others. He deeply emphasizes developing a reverence for all life. I think the following quote from the book is an eloquent distillation of his message: “When the energy of the soul is recognized, acknowledged, and valued, it begins to infuse the life of the personality. When the personality comes fully to serve the energy of its…

  2. The Truth About Creating The World Around You Zukav’s work has captured the essence of how we actually create our own reality. I’ve always known this to be the truth, but never have I heard it articulated so well. I’ve read books of this nature most of my life and have never before found one which explains so perfectly how we accomplish this amazing feat. Many authors have repeated the catch phrase “what we believe is what we achieve,” but they never say what it is that makes us believe. Being a magician for twenty plus…

  3. Profound, illuminating insights, tainted by absolutism It’s amazing the divergent opinions one gets from reading the reviews of this book. It’s also amazing, at least for me, how a second reading can completely change the way I feel about a book. When I read ‘The Seat of the Soul’ the first time I was completely turned off by the absolutism that is very apparent on many pages of the book. Yet a second reading changed my opinion of this book dramatically. I will cover the positive, and then the negative. One other point I want to make up front – for…

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