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The Three Keys to Self-Empowerment

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Three of Stuart Wilde’s bestselling books are included in this beautifully packaged self-empowering anthology…”Miracles” – Stuart makes the point that creating miracles in our lives is no more complicated than understanding the metaphysics of the Universal Law, which states that within human beings there lies an immense power …and this power is impartial and unemotional. And because that law is indestructible and therefore infinite, we know that the power used by miracle-makers in the past is still available today. Yet, in our modern society, we are brought up to believe only in those things we can logically understand. We are not taught that the Universal Law has limitless potential or that this power is at our disposal and can be used to work miracles in our lives. “Life Was Never Meant To be a Struggle” – Through a concerted action plan, this amusing work will help you quickly identify and eliminate the cause of struggle in your life. You were meant to be FREE – to achieve that state, you have to move gradually from struggle into free FLOW! As Stuart says, “Life was never meant to be a struggle, just a gentle progression from one point to another, much like walking through a valley on a sunny day.” “Silent Power” – “Within these pages, I’ll tell you about the silent power, its mystery, and how to get it. But there’s a simple trick you have to learn, and once you have that, silent power becomes your unspoken credential. It’s a charisma that gradually grows and develops around you. Through it, you can express a special goodness that helps people-and this planet-to change for the better. “Embrace your silent power. A great awakening is yours for the asking.” (Stuart Wilde).

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2 thoughts on “The Three Keys to Self-Empowerment

  1. Great bundle of books all in one. You will certainly enjoy these really great books and you will also be glad you got them.. .. I got some great new insights, and along with that there is allot of good common sense stuff, but It’s great to see commonsense affirmed and also reading and focusing on positive messages while we are bombarded with nativity all around us that lower our energy.. It’s refreshing to get a good dose of this stuff…

  2. THE starter set for Stuart Wilde This is the perfect “starter set” for Stuie’s works. It consists of three of his prior “thin” books (Miracles, Life Was Never Meant To Be a Struggle, Silent Power). Very good/inexpensive set to get a feel for Stuart and his style. Highly recommended. From here you might consider reading “Weight Loss for the Mind”, then “Infinite Self”. But wherever your path leads, the key is to follow it.

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