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The Unshakable Woman: 4 Steps to Rebuilding Your Body, Mind and Life After a Life Crisis

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A life crisis can be a divorce, disease, the death of a loved one or a devastation of some kind that can completely unravel us. It can also be a mid-life crisis where suddenly we start questioning what we’ve been doing, and how we’ve been living as we feel the undeniable urge calling us to live more deeply and fully. It can cause us to question everything we’ve known and everything that’s been familiar as we struggle to make sense of what happened. It can also cause us to face that fork in the road as we consider next steps and a path different from the one we were on and one that can take us to find our greatest passion and purpose. How can you use this crisis as an opportunity to rebuild your body, mind and life and create something even better than before? The Unshakable Woman will show you how.

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3 thoughts on “The Unshakable Woman: 4 Steps to Rebuilding Your Body, Mind and Life After a Life Crisis

  1. … book is a must read whether you are a super soccer mom or a busy executive This book is a must read whether you are a super soccer mom or a busy executive. The book has simple and easy strategies anyone can implement into their life to improve their health and mindset on every level. A must read!

  2. Get Ready to Change Your Life! This book is incredible for helping you to rebuild your life and mind after any difficult obstacle. The Unshakable Woman will show you how to leverage any circumstance with grace and confidence. Thank you Debi for writing this book and sharing your process for becoming an unshakable woman!

  3. Great resource for growing stronger through life’s challenges We all face crisis moments in our lives at one point or another, and can grow and get stronger as a result. Finding the resilience to face life’s challenges can be tough, and Debi Silber’s new book is a great resource! She provides practical strategies for finding the opportunities amidst the challenges, and leading an even better life as a result. As a clinician, I work with many parents whose lives have been turned upside down when they find out their child has special needs. This book is a…

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