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You Are A Powerful Creator My Little One: Creating Light (Volume 2)

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3 thoughts on “You Are A Powerful Creator My Little One: Creating Light (Volume 2)

  1. The Light Within Both children and adults have fears. Facing our fears, by allowing light to fill us, will empower us all. Monica does an amazing job of describing how to fill our hearts with love thereby creating the light within that will extinguish our darkness and fears. Thank you for empowering others with the tools to overcome. I now know how to create the light within.Teresa Cunningham

  2. Unlike anything else out there! A MUST for all who want to raise creators and leaders! Such a beautiful and unique concept! I love that this is geared towards children but adults have so much to learn from Monica Iglesias as well. Powerful insights that can and will reshape the way you approach fear and dealing with life.

  3. The wonderful part of this Book Series is that when parents … Every once in a while, a story comes along that has the ability to influence people of all ages by touching the Heart in a gentle supportive way… The true stories that Monica shares does just that…The wonderful part of this Book Series is that when parents read this to their children, it is allowing them to also remember a time when life was more simple, and that dreams really could come true. This book speaks to Your Heart and reminds you of your Inner Gifts!

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