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With over 1,000 Scriptures outlining each day of the 40 Days of Purpose, this book is a wonderful reference. Winner of the Retailers Choice Award.

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3 thoughts on "Daily Inspiration for the Purpose Driven Life: Scriptures and Reflections from the 40 Days of Purpose"

  1. Always a project "Cathie" says:

    Not so good I was somewhat disappointed in this addition to the original book. It was just the quotes of the scripture from the original text. If I wanted additional information of what I read , I would have looked it up myself. It, to me, was a waste of my money.

  2. Paul says:

    All the scriptures from the book in one place This is such a handy book to use along with The Purpose Driven Life because it pretty much focuses on the scriptures (and there are plenty of them) from all the different translations that the author uses. So you don’t have to keep flipping to the back of the book to see where the scriptures came from – just use this paperback along with the regular book. Works great!

  3. Amanda S. Killgore says:

    snippets Whenever a new Christian hoola hoop fad comes along, it sparks offshoots. While in many cases,the permutations these sub hoops take is mostly an exercise in capitalism, in this case, the off shoot is the equal of or perhaps superior to the prime in usefulness. 

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