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Designing From The Stone: Design Techniques for Bezel Setting in Metal Clay Using the Stone as Inspiration

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Designing From the Stone defines the technique of bezel setting with metal clay and teaches how to “listen to the stone” before you design the setting. Design principles are applied and illustrated to help you learn to think like a designer and respond to what is inherently offered in the stone. The goal is to create harmony and unity between the stone and the metal setting.

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2 thoughts on “Designing From The Stone: Design Techniques for Bezel Setting in Metal Clay Using the Stone as Inspiration

  1. Artisiticly Outstanding If you are looking for a book that will teach you how to incorporate stones in your work, this is it!It is geared towards metal clay work but the idea of designing with the flow of the stone is valid for all kinds of designs and this book walks the reader through the process.

  2. An exceptional book on designing metal clay bezels! Lisa Barth is a lovely person, an incredibly talented jewelry designer, and a terrific writer and teacher. Her new book is a must-have for any jewelry artist who is interested in creating fabulous stone settings with fine silver bezel wire in silver metal clay. Even jewelry artists who do not work in metal clay will find her approach to designing bezel settings that extend and complement the design of the stone thought-provoking. The pieces Lisa uses to demonstrate her design approach for bezel…

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