Using my unique experiences as I went from being on welfare to becoming a world renowned metal sculptor I share…

Rose Cumming was the most flamboyant and exciting of the so-called Great Lady Decorators who invented the field of professional…

Searching For The Ideal Machine: How Strategy Drives VEX IQ Robot Design is a handbook that explores the relationship between…

Albert Koetsier'S X-rayography images possess a certain mysteriousness and unusual beauty that is captured in this wonderful 2018 calendar. Product…

Enjoy the experience of children growing up with this handy book to collect all the memorable things your child will…

In 2014, Independent by Design, a history of the New York State Association of Independent School (NYSAIS) from its inception…

Every great design has its beginnings in a great idea, whether your medium of choice is scenery, costume, lighting, sound,…

This incredible “Stay Strong” is the perfect way to relieve stress and aid relaxation while enjoying beautiful and highly detailed…

Adult Coloring Book Unique Designs to Color! | COLOURING BOOKS FOR GROWN-UPS • Many coloring pages designed for adults •…