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Frances Dean Who Loved to Dance and Dance

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From the award-winning author of Oliver comes a book that glows from the inside out, a book that will move you to be yourself — and get dancing.

Frances Dean loves to dance. She feels the wind and she dances. She hears singing birds and she dances. In her every waking moment, she is inspired to move. But as soon as anyone is around, Frances Dean’s knees begin to tremble, butterflies start to flutter in her tummy, and she forgets how to dance. Will she ever find the courage to share her talent with others and feel free?

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3 thoughts on “Frances Dean Who Loved to Dance and Dance

  1. The perfect gift for any little girl! One of the best children’s books ever! Made for anyone who loves to do something, but is reluctant to expose herself to the public. (And that probably includes a lot of adults as well!) I have given this to several children and gotten fabulous reviews from them and their parents.In addition to the valuable message, the illustrations are wonderful, filled with the kind of detail that rewards the careful scrutiny that re-readers give to such books.

  2. A real treasure I loved Birgitta Sif’s first book, Oliver, so much that I had to add this one to our children’s book collection :)Frances Dean is a real treasure! The story is beautiful and is a good lesson for children that everyone is special in their own way. I think it is important that as an adult you enjoy the book you are reading to your children and Frances Dean is such a beautiful story that at the end we wanted to dance and dance with Frances Dean.

  3. It’s ok to be shy The book is about a little girl, Frances Dean, who likes to dance but she didn’t like other people to know she can dance because she’s shy and a little afraid. Frances learns something helpful from another younger girl and some birds. The book is fiction, has good pictures, and the words are perfect for a new reader like me. Other kids will enjoy the book because kids can learn from each other and from birds. Frances is afraid to show her dancing talent but she learns that she…

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