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Inspirations from Ancient Wisdom: At the Feet of the Master, Light on the Path, the Voice of the Silence

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When he was a boy, Krishnamurti, writing as Alcyone, set down the simple precepts for right living published as At the Feet of the Master. This lucid guide to the spiritual life has inspired millions around the world. Mabel Collins, a nineteenth-century British writer, collected forty-two aphorisms for right living which are as current for today’s seekers as they were when they were first published as Light on the Path. H. P. Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, set down her own guide to the spiritual life in the mystic and poetic masterpiece The Voice of the Silence. Collected for the first time in a single volume, these three contemporary spiritual classics can set anyone on the path to spiritual wisdom.

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2 thoughts on “Inspirations from Ancient Wisdom: At the Feet of the Master, Light on the Path, the Voice of the Silence

  1. At the Feet of the Master…Priceless! At the Feet of the Master is an absolute treasure, worth the price of the entire book.Light on the Path and the Voice of the Silence may be equally good to some, but is very deep and not for the novice. Difficult to follow…at least for me and I don’t consider myself a novice.

  2. the best intro to a master’s thinking and life There are a daunting number — and a broad range — of books by and about Krishnamurti. This is a superb starting point for the beginner who’s seeking to understand why he still commands such an enormous worldwide audience, as it is for the reader who can only begin to imagine what it must have required for Krishnamurti to renounce his childhood designation by the worldwide Theosophist movement as an Avatar come to Earth.

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